#EU inventariseert: op welke manier zou #informatie over e-money en #cryptovermogen tussen lidstaten moeten worden #uitgewisseld?
Consultatie periode: 10 March 2021 - 02 June 2021 (midnight Brussels time)
"#Tax #fraud & evasion – strengthening rules on #administrative #cooperation and expanding the #exchange of #information"
"The objective of the consultation is to collect data and evidence needed to evaluate the need for new rules on reporting and exchange of information for tax purposes on e-money and crypto assets as well as new rules on penalties and #compliance #measures for the various reporting obligations under the #DAC framework and the potential scope of those provisions. To this aim the consultation should gather the views of the stakeholders concerned on the use of e-money and crypto-assets, what information is available and which reporting mechanisms could be used. Furthermore, it aims to gather views on appropriate penalties and compliance measures and the coordination of such measures among Member States."